Hi! I am Karen LoGiudice - otherwise known as

“The Clay Coach” and “The Mind Whisperer”


How can I sum up who I am in one paragraph?

Can anyone do that and really share their story? I don’t think so!

So, hang in there with me - the soundbites of my life follow...and they have gotten me to where I am today.


The Basics

  • I am a coach, a mentor, a master of the MIND, re-writer of IDENTITY, a health/wellness junky, a writer, speaker, self-doubt slayer, and a maverick of manifestation.
  • I am a lightworker and empath, who loves helping others connect to the magic of the universe, energy, the mind, and aligning it all in the physical.
  • I am happily married to my soul-mate husband and the mother of two awesome grown boys.
  • I am an avid traveler, swimmer, hiker, nature lover, and adventurer.
  • I have taken some big risks in my life, have had profound Spiritual experiences and healings, and continue to grow and learn every single day...from my mistakes, my victories, my mentors, and from the Source-guidance that has never steered me wrong (when I’ve listened to it!).

My Story

I believe that I have been on a *conscious* self-development journey for my whole life. From the time I was very little, I sensed my purpose. I knew I had big things to accomplish. I was creative, inventive, sensitive, empathic, driven, self-motivated, and had a bright light that shone without filter...

...until it didn’t. 

As with all humans, the simple act of growing up began of the process of dimming my light. Just like you, I had experiences of not fitting in, feeling misunderstood and different, having heart break, betrayal, and disappointment.

The first big snuffer of my light happened in high school: a traumatic date rape and subsequent public shaming from peers who didn’t know the real story - and I was too humiliated, ashamed, and traumatized to tell them the truth.

Instead, I protected my assailant - didn’t want to get him “in trouble” or “ruin his life.” I ‘took one for the team” and allowed my reputation to go down the drain - and with it went my self-respect, self-love, and any semblance of feeling safe in the world. I was 16. Life went on, but that event set my walls of self-protection building and kept me small. 

College opened new doors for me. My confidence surged. I was BACK! Independent, smart, capable, and ready to take on the world. It was during this time in my life that I happened upon an infomercial that began my “official” personal development journey. I quite literally emptied my bank account to invest in Tony Robbins’ Personal Power program on cassette tapes, and began learning about the power of positive thinking.

 I attracted my soul mate husband with those techniques! Wow! I was head over heels and on fire! I was at the top of my college class, and on top of my game! I was public speaking about date rape (what a way to take back my power), was a leader and inspiration for others, and IN LOVE with my man and my life. I was 21. 

Within 4 months, I was engaged (when you know, you know), and, after being apart for 6 months while he served in Desert Storm, I happily married him when he came safely home.  I was just 22.

Three years later, I was walking across the stage in my cap and gown, expecting our first son. The perfect life was unfolding just like I had dreamed (or...had been conditioned to have). We built our forever family home and I secured a decent full-time corporate job that would pay the bills and give us access to health insurance. 

...I woke up 10 years later. Two kids, a high-stress corporate career, bills up to our eye-balls, and that dead-inside feeling of a life unfulfilled. I was on the proverbial treadmill and there was no end in sight. I was failing...as a mother, a wife, an employee, and as mySELF.

I had given up my passion, dreams, creativity, health, and self-care to “the corporate chase” - conditioned to settle for less, accept the chaos, and live in the toxicity in favor of keeping everything together and appeasing everyone around me.

I wanted it all - and on the outside, it may have appeared that I had it. But nothing could have been further from the truth. FAKE NEWS is what they call it today. I was miserable, worn out, brain-fried, soul-sucked, uninspired, unmotivated, and was just a shell of the smart, fit, strong, independent, creative, adventurous person I once was. 

I was stuck. The “golden handcuffs” had me locked up, so I kept going. More and more stress, less and less passion. Chronic migraines, unhealthy eating, numbing out with meds and food - getting up every morning and putting my life on repeat.

Then came my divine intervention...

So, closed off from Source, I was terrified that I was going crazy. I heard it loud and clear, though. No denying it. 

I began seeing number sequences everywhere, getting intense intuitive pings, books literally fell off shelves with key messages for me. What was happening? What did I need to know? I was scared to death, but I knew I was being guided. By whom? Not a clue! But one thing was crystal clear: I needed to listen. 

I began meditating.

I began trusting.

I began taking responsibility for my happiness.

I began looking at my life and starting the process of fixing it - from the inside out.

I engaged with the Law of Attraction

I found my passion again

I quit my career (one of the biggest risks I have ever taken) to pursue a new path in the helping profession.

I opened my first business on a wing and a prayer (helping people, like my son, who struggle with Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, and Autism)

Note: Nothing promotes more self-discovery than building your own business. You can’t hide. You can’t cover up.

Through the gripping fear, the self-doubt, the pain of looking at my toxic life and cleaning it up (unforgiveness, victim mentality, corporate conditioning, dumbing myself down, hiding my light, guilt for wanting more … for starters), a brilliant road map to badassery was delivered to me.

I did the work and followed the guidance. It was messy and I got lost along the way. BUT:

I got my LIFE back!

I had freedom to spend time with my family!

I was making a difference in the world!

I found my voice, engaged my creativity, and cracked wide open Spiritually

I finally reached a clearing, and I looked back and saw the journey as clear as day. A direct route for others to follow - a program that would cut YEARS of self-discovery and wrong turns out of the mix for clients sharing a similar journey.

 I listened. I created the Source-inspired program called “Sculpting Your Life” - and have since learned that it is solidly built on the foundations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy...ON STEROIDS.

 The fact that there is extensive brain science that backs up (to a tee) the effectiveness of the program I developed (despite my never having studied it), is proof, to me, that it came from a higher source...channeled through me FOR YOU!

 My passion is helping clients shortcut their personal development paths - freeing their inner light and reigniting the passion, fulfillment, abundance, confidence, excitement, and adventure that they want and deserve. It is my zone of genius. It is my jam. I freakin’ ROCK at it.

 When you are ready to feel like a rockstar again, I am here to get you there. Quickly...powerfully...and in easiest and most direct route possible.

Meet KLo

My alter-ego...

My “mini-me”


About KLo

In the process of diving deep into SELF using the techniques that I have used for years with my clients, an essential component is the ability to observe your own “STUFF” - there is no other way to do it, honestly.

Why is it so very easy for us to see the solutions for everyone else...but yet are still dealing with your own patterns over and over and over? It’s because we are caught in a loop of blind spots. Everyone has them. You can give/receive the best advice in the world, but until you see it for yourself, you will never change.

How can you change if you are not able to SEE what is holding you back? BINGO! Clay is a brilliant way to bring buried, subconscious, transient, and abstract issues OUT OF YOUR HEAD and body by creating, and bringing into form, that which we haven’t been able to resolve, understand, or release. 

My signature clay techniques allow you to “detach” from the issue and quickly demonstrates the old conditioning, belief systems, and thought patterns that have kept you from breaking through. The blocks that feel SO real internally can completely shift when you actually see it as an observer.

Bringing the Law of Creation into your self-examination and self-development journey is more powerful than you would EVER expect - and clay enables that.

Every client, no matter the program, begins by acknowledging SELF. Body, mind, Spirit, Identity. That is where the work begins...the simple, but amazingly powerful, act of creating a model of self, a mini-me, that will be used in all future modeling of life scenarios, emotional blocks, thoughts, beliefs, forgiveness of others...for starters.

It is a fun and easy way to process and release the past, and create your future.

If you follow me on social media, you may see KLo pop up - giving her take on life and providing coaching tips and tools as well. She’s quite wise!



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Join Free Facebook Group, “The Art of Unlocking Your Inner Badass”


Images of Karen - Photo credit: Raya on Assignment rayaonassignment.com


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