Group Coaching Package

Sculpting Your Life Coaching Program

(12 weeks)



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Heal the Past, Find the Present, and Create your Future in this powerful group coaching program that will change the trajectory of your life!

 Working with a group is a great way to receive Karen’s powerful coaching with the added benefit of group support, new and lifetime friendships, and the ability to see the perspectives, insights, and ah-ha moments of others going through the same deep work. Although each group member is working on their own unique goals, participants learn from each other and grow by sharing authentically in a totally safe, judgement-free zone. During this 12-week program you will receive:

  • 1-hour one-on-one “Kick-off call” with Karen to determine your goals and set your intentions for the program
  • 12 one-hour group Zoom calls (regularly scheduled weekly calls - recorded for those who cannot attend) with LIVE Q&A, topics, and tips/tools with Karen
  • Lifetime access to the online Sculpting Your LifeTM course videos and support materials
    • Online course includes subject-oriented videos, clay exercises, guided meditations, and downloadable worksheets.
  • Access to a Secret Support Community to interact with other course participants, have access to Karen for questions/support, and for sharing insights/wins/challenges within our safe community/tribe
  • Four 30-minute one-on-one phone or Zoom coaching sessions with Karen LoGiudice as needed ($600 value)
  • Mastery of your mind’s eye and identity = mastery of LIFE
  • Deep release, healing, and reprogramming of thought patterns, belief systems, conditioning, and unforgiveness with Karen’s signature “Flow of Healing” Clay Coaching exercises
  • Ongoing support/access to Karen via email, text, and messaging
  • One-hour one-on-one “graduation call” at conclusion of program
  • All course/coaching materials
    • Kit with clay and accessories will be shipped prior to Week 2
  • One-year access to “Badass Bootcamp: Unlocking the Magic and Finding Your Abundance” online course ($1800 value) to work through on your own.

The Flow of Healing

Introduction of SELF/Identity:  What is identity?  What makes us who and what we are

Thinking patterns:  Our thoughts create our reality – positive or negative!  It is “the law.” Becoming aware of our thoughts and learning to take control of/redirect them to the positive is the first step in our process.  Frequently discussed as the” Law of Attraction,” it is critical to understand how powerful our thoughts really are in creating our experiences and, ultimately, our lives.

Core beliefs:  Deep within our identity, we all have negative beliefs about ourselves that can hold us back in life.  Negative core beliefs can make us feel unworthy, uncertain, unloved, unappreciated (the list goes on and on).  These beliefs manifest in our lives as behavior patterns and experiences that resurface over and over in our lives.  In order to make change in our behavior patterns, we must look at the belief system that is at cause, and replace it with something more positive, empowering, and healthy.

Forgiveness:  Forgiveness can be one of the most difficult human actions, but is also one of the most important if we are going to move past our limitations.  As discussed above on core beliefs, we tend to hold onto experiences that have affected us in negative (and positive) ways. Perhaps another person or a negative experience created a core belief within you.  Forgiveness can be the final step in fully releasing the core belief and moving on with your life.

Moving on - Creating your Future:  Having released the baggage that has weighed you down, now we can focus on the FUN STUFF! Using the creative process and intention is a powerful way to create the life that you really want to be living!  Think about what you really want, feel what it feels like to be living that life, and create it! The only thing holding you back is…YOU.

Goal Setting/Acting on Goals: If you don’t know where you are going, how can you possibly get there? Without a vision and mission statement, you are floating around life aimlessly with no intent.  We must have a mission statement for life - otherwise, we may get lost, off of our path, and settle for living less-than-perfect lives—and not even realize why we are not fulfilled. Get clear…be empowered…and go for your dreams!


Anna had this to say:


Sara, a Health Coach, sought coaching from Karen for help with fear of growing her business and damaging core beliefs that people don't take her seriously.

Here's what she experienced in only 4 one-on-one sessions:

"Karen’s calm, non-judgmental nature was super comforting as she helped me work through some tough personal and professional roadblocks. Combining my intentions with Karen’s guidance and the hands-on clay work was like nothing I’d ever experienced before and brought noticeable positive changes to my life very quickly. I also gained inspiring new insights and direction in the short time that I worked with her. I highly recommend Karen’s work to anyone who is feeling stuck in a rut or 'comfort' zone and would like to tap into the means and courage to move forward."


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