One-on-One Private Coaching Package

(6 months)

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In this powerful and transformative program, you are taken through the full process of healing.  Using guided exercises, you will create a clay model of your SELF (no artistic skills necessary).  From there, we will begin to use the power of creation to bring the abstract (thoughts, emotions, intention) into concrete form where negative patterns can be analyzed and released, and new intentions be created.

As a coach, I know that every client is different. Different blocks, blind spots, fears, thought patterns, belief systems, and experiences that make you unique. In this 6-month coaching package, you receive one-on-one personalized coaching from Karen LoGiudice.

  • 12 two-hour personalized Zoom coaching sessions (scheduled as convenient, typically twice a month) = 36 hours of 1:1 coaching!
  • Personal instruction and coaching on Karen’s unique and powerful Mind Mastery techniques
  • Lifetime access to the online course, “Sculpting Your Life” ($3600 value)
  • Deep release, healing, and reprogramming with Karen’s signature Clay Coaching exercises tailored to your specific goals and needs
  • Ongoing support/access to Karen via email, text, and messaging
  • All course/coaching materials (clay kit, downloads, and recorded sessions [if requested])

The Flow of Healing

Introduction of SELF/Identity:  What is identity?  What makes us who and what we are

Mind Mastery Techniques for "Finding the Present" and monitoring/controlling personal energy and vibration.

Thinking patterns:  Our thoughts create our reality – positive or negative!  It is “the law.” Becoming aware of our thoughts and learning to take control of/redirect them to the positive is the first step in our process.  Frequently discussed as the” Law of Attraction,” it is critical to understand how powerful our thoughts really are in creating our experiences and, ultimately, our lives.

Core beliefs:  Deep within our identity, we all have negative beliefs about ourselves that can hold us back in life.  Negative core beliefs can make us feel unworthy, uncertain, unloved, unappreciated (the list goes on and on).  These beliefs manifest in our lives as behavior patterns and experiences that resurface over and over in our lives.  In order to make change in our behavior patterns, we must look at the belief system that is at cause, and replace it with something more positive, empowering, and healthy.

Forgiveness:  Forgiveness can be one of the most difficult human actions, but is also one of the most important if we are going to move past our limitations.  As discussed above on core beliefs, we tend to hold onto experiences that have affected us in negative (and positive) ways. Perhaps another person or a negative experience created a core belief within you.  Forgiveness can be the final step in fully releasing the core belief and moving on with your life.

Moving on - Creating your Future:  Having released the baggage that has weighed you down, now we can focus on the FUN STUFF! Using the creative process and intention is a powerful way to create the life that you really want to be living!  Think about what you really want, feel what it feels like to be living that life, and create it! The only thing holding you back is…YOU.

Goal Setting/Acting on Goals: If you don’t know where you are going, how can you possibly get there? Without a vision and mission statement, you are floating around life aimlessly with no intent.  We must have a mission statement for life - otherwise, we may get lost, off of our path, and settle for living less-than-perfect lives—and not even realize why we are not fulfilled. Get clear…be empowered…and go for your dreams!

Sample from Online Course

In this video, you can experience a sample of the videos included in the online Sculpting Your Life course, and learn more about "The Flow of Healing" that is the cornerstone of Karen's signature coaching program.



Patti and Anna had this to say:


Lynda, an LD specialist from New Jersey had this to say:

"It was extremely beneficial to make clay models of my limiting beliefs, and replace them with a 3-D model of a positive affirmation. I have journaled, meditated, and talked about such things for years, but making 3-D clay models brought a completely new perspective to them.

Molding an idea in clay that you’ve held in your thought-world brings it into another dimension. Taking an idea, or a deeply held belief and bringing it into the physical world—on the table in front of you—makes it more tangible and real. I was able to “see” it more clearly and decide that it did not serve me anymore, and then physically destroy it. This activity was very profound and meaningful. If that thought ever comes up again, I just visualize it’s destruction and say to myself with certainty—you do not exist anymore! I destroyed you!! Then I focus on the positive model that replaced it. Changing your limiting beliefs takes a conscious effort and doing it in clay with Karen has helped me break down some of the barriers to achieving my goals.

Working with Karen was a fun and valuable experience. She has a gentle, yet energetic personality that allowed me the time and space I needed to work through this process, and see real results! There was hard, deep-digging, “soul” work to be done, but working with the clay made the experience more enjoyable and creative. Karen is an excellent coach because she has patience, compassion, and knows that all change must come from you. She gave me the time I needed to explore the assignments/concepts, while still keeping me focused and on task.

What I also liked about this program is that it gives you techniques to continue using on your own after the program with clay and a desire to create change. I would highly recommend working with Karen and the Clay Coach Program if you really want to make positive changes in your life!"


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