RRC: Three qualities needed for business (and LIFE)

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2020

In my coaching business, I talk to many small business owners. It is usually a similar story. They LOVE their work. They LOVE their clients. When they are working with a client, they are fulfilled beyond measure.

With most being service providers, they have huge hearts and want to help as many people as possible, but the marketing and business aspects of running a business are not nearly as intuitive as actually doing the client work.

Many are not helping nearly the number of clients they could - which is not only challenging for the business (no clients means no income), but it is also a shame for the many clients who need their services, but don't know they exist.

When I ask they what their vision is for their business/life, many are not sure, are wishy-washy, or have core beliefs and negative self-talk that keep them undecided about what they really want.

Creating a clear vision is a piece of the puzzle that is often skipped - but it is as important to the journey as plugging your destination address into the GPS. 

If you don't know where you're going, how can you possibly get there? Therefore, one of the first things that is necessary when starting or growing your business is to DECIDE what you want your business to look like. 

As a business owner, we have the luxury of creating a business around our lives. That is GREAT, unless you don't have a clear picture of what that means.

Without a picture and some measurable goals, life can completely get in the way! The priorities of others will start to take over the path of making your own dreams come true.

Step 1: Make a DECISION to treat your business, dream, and/or vision with the deepest respect, giving it your priority and nurturing it with care.

Step 2: Observe your THOUGHTS

Be aware of how MIND will jump in and begin giving you all the excuses, the self-doubt, the what-ifs, the fear, and the mental gridlock to keep you stuck.

Swat those away just like pesky mosquitoes...and DO NOT let them land and suck your precious dream-energy out of you.


This is the first "R" in the acronym: Resourcefulness.

It is a quality that all successful business owners must have. Instead of listening to the negative thoughts, nay-sayers, and excuses, they swat away the doubts, can'ts, and worries and START.

When you are resourceful, you don't give up. You keep going. If you hit a snag (which you WILL), you look for SOLUTIONS rather than focusing on the problems. You ask questions, seek out advice, give it a try, or do something differently.

Resourceful business owners keep their own vision clear and stand for that vision. They go over, under, around, or through whatever comes their way - determined to keep going.


If you're not failing, you're not growing. 

Think about it. If you are going about your day and are never making mistakes, never failing, never taking a chance...you are IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE.

You are playing it safe and, I would wager, playing way too small.

Resilience is an attribute that is like a muscle. It can be built and strengthened - but muscles don't grow without pushing them beyond their current limits, do they?

Being resilient means that you don't let the opinions of others get in your way...you get up if you're knocked down, you are okay with not being perfect, and you can be afraid of doing something and go for it anyway.

It is not letting a past bad experience define your future actions. It is dusting yourself off, seeing the learning and growth from it, realigning with your vision, and getting back to it. 

Anyone can make a dream come true...the only way not to is to quit! Think about it.

Step 5: Being CONSISTENT

Consistency is one of the hardest attributes for most people. I say that it is likely the KEY reason most people are not where they want to be in life.

Consistency IS intention. You've GOT to show up for your business/dream every day. If you're not showing up for your own dream, how do you expect it to come true?

By taking consistent action, you are proving to your SELF, your clients and prospects, your friends and family, and, most importantly, the UNIVERSE, that you are serious about your business/dream.

When you show up (even when no one is looking) and put in the time and effort for your dream...it WILL come to fruition. That intention is stronger than any marketing funnel out there.

I have a sign on my bulletin board that I look at frequently. It is a reminder of these words and pushes me to be consistent, even when I don't feel like it:

"Show up for your business and people will show up for your business!!" 

It is true! By DECIDING to shore up your own RRC (Resourcefulness, Resiliency, and Consistency), you automatically put yourself in alignment with your goals and vision.

It isn't rocket science, but it does take inner strength and courage to pull off. 

Create your clear vision and anchor that in your mind so you can visit it often (or create a vision board, flow chart, mission statement...whatever will help you solidify the picture of what you want). Be resourceful in your action steps. Be resilient when roadblocks come your way. Refuse to retreat back to the same ole same ole..and get back up! Then consistently show yourself, the world, and the universe how serious you are by taking consistent action. 

Never give up!!!

Want to beef up your resourcefulness, resiliency, and consistency? Here are some daily affirmations to add into your routine:

Being resourceful is important to me.  To be resourceful means I am inventive, flexible, creative, and imaginative. When I solve a difficult challenge, it shows me that I am adaptable and able to figure things out. I have many talents when it comes to putting the pieces of a puzzle together.

I view each challenge as an opportunity to show or grow my skills. 

Because I am resourceful and resilient, I have confidence that I can seek and find the answer to anything. I easily attract the perfect resources at the perfect time. I learn and grow with every step - which opens new doors and thresholds of possibility. I love the journey and meet each day with excitement and resolve.

My resourcefulness and resiliency comforts me because I know I can do anything.   

I am proud of my versatility, consistency, and tenacity. I see my vision clearly and claim it now. I am responsible for creating my life and future. Every day I remind myself of my purpose and take inspired action. It is exhilarating to realize my personal power.

 Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Who do I know whom I consider resourceful?
  2. What does it take to be resourceful?
  3. Am I resourceful? If so, in what ways? How can I be more resourceful?
  4. Where could I be more resilient? 
  5. Where are their inconsistencies in my life? Am I consistently taking action in those areas? 
  6. Where could I be more consistent?


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